We are pleased to share the recordings from the panel discussions from the Climate Working Group workshop which took place on Wednesday, 6th December 2023

Please see the CWG Workshop 2023 Homepage for full agenda, participant list and supporting documents, as well as recordings from the meeting 

  • Fireplace Chat with Thomas Hale: Global Stocktake 
  • Panel 1: Translating Climate Themes Into Action

  • Panel 2: Collaboration with Banking Partners
  • Panel 3: Different Pathways to Decarbonisation

  • Panel 1: Translating Climate Themes Into Action
  • What are the most impactful climate and sustainability ideas:
    - What climate and sustainability themes are most relevant to Bpifrance's future strategy
    - How UKEF’s Climate Change Strategy provides a framework for identifying and assessing the range of climate-related opportunities
    - Why climate action and political risk insurance are intertwined in times of poly-crises
  • How are these themes translating to practical impact to export finance:
    - What is Bpifrance’s operational approach to climate finance
    - How does MIGA translate sustainability into climate risk management
    - How can international alliances help to implement tools and methodologies to measure and disclose insured GHG emissions

  • Panel 2: Collaboration with Banking Partners
  • What is ‘ESG risk’ for BU members and will it be the defining risk for our industry:
    - How EDC will be aligning its operations based on OECD standard setting
    - Are these rules consistent with what the banking sector is working with
    - What risk management frameworks are used across the banking sector for assessing the range of climate-related opportunities that exist
    - What are the ESG standards applied by banks in the region in respect of sustainability financing
  • How can BU members and banking partners better work together to achieve impact and fill gaps in ESG directed policies and where do the key collaboration opportunities lie

  • Panel 3: Different Pathways to Decarbonisation
  • Covering both the ECA and wider perspectives from many geographies: 
    - What route have E3F member countries taken and how do these standards reflect in EIFO future strategy
    - How does ATIDI balance the broader development goals in the region with climate objectives
    - Fair Transition and should Africa have a different approach in leveraging climate-related opportunities
    - How ICIEC is balancing existing portfolios and revising strategies in the Middle East