Potentials and Barriers for SME Financing in Sub-Saharan Africa 

A webinar organised by the Berne Union Sub-Saharan Africa Working Group
will take place on 15 April 2021 14:00-15:30 BST London time

Berne Union Africa-based Members ATI, ICIEC, ECGC Zimbabwe and guest speakers from AGF (African Guarantee Fund),
IFC (International Finance Corporation) and dfcu Bank (Development Finance Company of Uganda Bank)  
will address the challenges, opportunities, risk mitigants and any available instruments to assist financiers, private insurers and ECAs in supporting SMEs in the region

Headline speaker FRANCK ADJAGBA, Group Director of Business Development, AGF will speak about risk perception versus the reality of risk
in Sub-Saharan Africa; the impact of Covid on strategy; country risk; future view of Africa as well as blended finance and SME challenges

Round Table participants:

  • Bessem Soua, Senior Division Manager Sub-Saharan Africa & Europe, ICIEC: SME challenges, mitigation tools, partnerships
  • Ronald Kasasa, Head of Business Banking, dfcu Bank, ATI client: on their experience in financing SMEs locally
  • Philip Mulaki, Head of Credit, ATI: on challenges in obtaining financial information on local companies
  • Claude Owona, Senior Investment Officer, IFC (MIGA’s sister organisation within the World Bank Group): on key trends in supply side of financing and innovative structures
  • Sekai Chirume, Managing Director, ECGC Zimbabwe: on national SME Credit Guarantee Scheme and rationale for its establishment