Welcome to the first YP Hangout of 2024!
On April 17th at (12:00 UK time) we will host our first friendly hangout of the year. It will be a one hour session for you to meet each other and get to learn more about a privates perspective on current global events and an ECAs domestic finance products. We will have a great mix of YPs from all over the BU membership so please come along and meet as many people as possible, ask questions, and learn from each other!
Please register your attendance now!
The agenda will consist of:
- Introduction with a meet and greet for new members
- A private market perspective on current global events by Ghalia El Kerouani AxaXL
- Deep dive into Eifo's domestic product lines
- Update from the Berne Union
- Finishing remarks
We are looking forward to see you all!