Press Release: Election of new BU President at AGM in Hamburg as data for the first half of 2024 shows sustained growth in export credit commitments

A new phase of growth in export credit as an increasingly flexible industry eyes opportunities for collaboration in an evolving landscape for global trade
Hamburg, 17th October 2024 – more than 300 participants from 89 institutions gathered this week in the port city of Hamburg for the Annual General Meeting of the Berne Union (BU).
Members elected Yuichiro Akita (NEXI) as President for 2024-2026, along with Vice President Rafael Docavo-Malvezzi (AXA XL), ST Committee Chair, Jean-Paul Steenbeke (CREDENDO) and Vice Chair, ZHAO Zheng (SINOSURE) and MLT Committee Chair Jim Thomas (EVEREST) and Vice Chair Jørn Fredsgaard Sørensen (EIFO)
- USD 2.46 tn new commitments in the first half of 2024 shows a consolidation of a new growth phase for export credit as well as continued diversification across a growing array of trade support products (see below for details)
- The BU announced a collaboration with Finance in Common which aims to explore and promote opportunities for closer collaboration between export credit and development finance
- BU membership continues to expand with new applications presented by ABGF (Brazil) and MS AMLIN while VANTAGE were successfully promoted to full membership
The meeting theme of ‘collaboration’ introduced discussions around public and private risk-sharing, synergy between trade and development, and the potential for innovation amid new products and emerging approaches to export support.
For more detail see the full press release below: